domingo, 31 de janeiro de 2021


 Para descobrir outros murais à volta do mundo, veja o blog da Sami :

For other murals from around the world please check Sami's blog 

Mural de 40 metros de comprimento, no local de ALVALADE na zona poente da Avenida Estados Unidos da América, na cidade de LISBOA, pintado pelo artista português STYLER, que presta homenagem ao arquiteto paisagista GONÇALO RIBEIRO TELLES, (1922-2020). Este arquiteto paisagista tudo fez pelo ambiente, jardins e corredores verdes da capital do país. 

A 40 metre long Mural in the ALVALADE (a suburb of Lisbon), on the west side of The United States Avenue (Avenida Estados Unidos da América), in the city of LISBON, by the Portuguese artist STYLER, who pays tribute to landscape architect GONÇALO RIBEIRO TELLES, (1922-2020). This landscape architect did a lot for the environment, gardens and green corridors of the country's capital.

4 comentários:

  1. I like how they blend in so well with the plants in the foreground.

    1. Hello Bleubeard and Elizabeth, many thanks for your comment.
      Have a special week ahead. My compliments

  2. Um mural diferente e bem pintado. Obrigada por participares em "Monday Murals"

  3. The artwork makes a statement but doesn't jump out at you! I thought the second one was a real pond until I saw the top of the building!!

    Feel free to share at My Corner of the World


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